All Saints Music Education Fund
The music that happens at All Saints Church is made possible in large part by donations to the Music Education Fund. At All Saints, we offer unique experiences to our choristers, not only training girls and boys to sing in the rich Anglican tradition, but we offer lasting friendships, the opportunity to improve social and communication skills, and expand perspectives as they travel with the choir both regionally and abroad.
The Music Education Fund makes this possible by supplementing the budget of All Saints Church with donations. The Fund provides funding for Choral Scholars to support the choirs of All Saints, concerts and special services to share with the community, as well as countless opportunities for our young singers.
The All Saints Music Education Fund needs and welcomes additional financial support. Please consider being part of this life changing musical work by making your tax-free contribution. To make a contribution, please click here (be sure to select "Music Education Fund").
To donate by check , make your check payable to "All Saints Music Education Fund", and send to All Saints Episcopal Church, 8787 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229.